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Stunning Mum | Glamour Photography | Sydney

Stunning eyes and a gorgeous smile made for some beautiful photographs of Julie when we did her glamour shoot.


Mum to one very busy little boy as well as being a teacher means Julie is always on the go, so taking some time out that was all about making her feel beautiful was a real luxury.  Like most people I photograph, Julie wasn’t sure what to wear and what would look good for photos, so we picked several different outfits, all with very different looks.  I think she looks absolutely stunning in all of them!


Julie, it was a pleasure to photograph you and I had so much fun!

If you would like to experience a glamour photo shoot of your own, contact me now to discuss your session with me.  PS Did you see my Mothers Day special over on Facebook?  Ask me about it today.

Busy Mum | Glamour Photography | Sydney

Jen is the busy mum to two very active boys and spends a lot of her time running around looking after them, along with work and many other demands on her time.  Like many of us, once everything else is done, Jen doesn’t end up getting to spend too much time for herself.  So it was a pleasure to sit her down and give her a full makeover and make these gorgeous photographs showing her just how beautiful she is.


Jen, as your family and friends know, you are a beautiful woman both inside and out.  I am glad that I could do these photographs with you and show you just how gorgeous you are!


Want to do something different for your mum this Mothers Day?  Put her in front of the camera for a change!  Let us make her over, dress her up and capture her feeling as beautiful as you know she is.  Get in touch with me now to line up a special shoot for your mum!

Photographing a Photographer | Glamour Portraits | Sydney

sydney glamour photography women

I posted last week on Facebook that I was having my hair and makeup done and meeting up with another photographer.  The plan was to let her have a play around, try out a few new things and test some other things she had been wanting to do.  Towards the end of the day, we turned the tables and Jane let me put her in front of my camera and have a play at her studio.  I only had a short time and we stuck to a single set up, but I love what I got out of her in the time we had.

glamour photography sydney headshot

Jane is an animal lover and passionate animal activist.  She is an experienced photographer and does beautiful portraiture, her photos really shine when she photographs pets – with and without their owners.  If you want to take a look at some of her pet work you can see it over on her website.

If you have always wanted some gorgeous photographs of yourself, on your own or with your family, then give me a buzz now on 0409 914 894, drop me an email to kim@kimeales.com or head on over to my contact page to drop me a line.  I would love to hear from you and start planning your session!

Would rather be rock climbing | Sydney Glamour Photography

Yep, doing a glamour photography shoot was definitely waaaay out of Rachel’s comfort zone.  This mum would rather be rock climbing, at the beach or playing with her adventurous 3 year old daughter, but she came along and sat in front of the camera for me.  There was some nervous laughter at first and then she settled right into the poses like a natural!

gorgeous glamour shots sydney

Rachel is a gorgeous woman inside and out and we had so much fun on her shoot.  We warped her into yoga poses perched on a table, we managed to knock my light fittings off while moving backdrops around and the pose above on the right – Rachel gave that one a nickname, but I will leave it to her to share that!

sydney womens glamour shots

This bottom shot is one of my favourites from the whole day, the hair and makeup is stunning (thank you Melony) and Rachel looks happy and relaxed.  Such a pleasure to make these images for you Rachel!

If you are interested in having a glamour shoot like Rachel, I would love to hear from you, so drop me a line or pop on over to my portfolio to see more gorgeous women.

Magnificent Mum | Sydney Glamour Photography

I love doing glamour shoots for mum’s as they really seem to appreciate the time out having hair and makeup done, being pampered and then having photos taken while you know you are looking your best.  Not just that, but you get photos in several of your favourite outfits, whether that’s casual, dressy, sexy,  funky, lingerie, it’s entirely up to you.  Everyone brings something different along which keeps it always fresh and interesting for me as well!


Mum to two boys, wife, thermomix consultant… and gorgeous model for a glamour shoot!  Kylie is one busy mum and like most of us rarely finds the space to take some time out for herself.    She brought along a couple of gorgeous dresses and I loved the colours in the patterned dress.  Normally busy patterns and loose tops don’t photograph too well, but this is one exception to the rule and it looks fabulous on her.  And what better way to showcase her gorgeous smile than with a plain, casual top which works perfectly with her beautiful red hair.

My makeup artist Melony also makes these beautiful headpieces and Kylie’s black dress was the perfect pairing for this feathered black creation.

sydney glamour photography black on black

I will be officially launching these glamour shoots shortly, if you are interested in having me come to your home and making some beautiful photographs of you, please contact me and let’s talk have a chat about how you would like to be photographed.

Six women – six shoots – six hours

What a day!  I had been planning this for several weeks, getting everything in order, teamed up with an experienced and talented hair and make up artist in the form of Melony and lined up six lovely women to take part in the shoots.  The day started with the usual bedlam involved with getting the family up, ready and out the door shortly after 7am.  Then it was home again to get the play area transformed into a shoot zone and turn my kitchen into a salon for the day.

I was excited to be working with Melony, she does beautiful work and conveniently lives only a couple of streets away.  We had a full day scheduled with our victims coming in every hour with a short gap in the middle of the day for a bite to eat or to catch up if we were running a little over time.  Kylie turned up right on time at 9am and slipped straight into the chair ready for her makeover.  As Kate turned up to take her turn in the makeup chair, Kylie came through so we could start shooting!


From here, it was a constant blur of makeup, shooting, outfit changes, background changes, whipping hair up, adding in hairpieces (which Melony also makes herself, a woman of many talents!) and constant chatter and laughter.  All the women looked amazing, and I can’t wait to share some of their photos with you!

Flourishing Mothers | Headshots | Sydney

It was such a pleasure doing headshots for business partners Kate and Deb recently.  They needed both individual and joint headshots for use on their website, to represent them on social networks and for various other business purposes.  We met up and had a quick look around to find likely locations for shooting – some with a plain background and others with some of the environment in it for a slightly different look.  We also checked out what clothing they had brought along and ended up going for a casual looks and one a little smarter for when a more corporate appearance might be needed.

casual corporate headshotsKate and Debra are the two woman team at Flourishing Mothers – a coaching business focussed on helping mothers thrive.  They use positive psychology science to build resilience and increase mental health and well-being.  I think it’s a brilliant concept and really would have appreciated knowing of a resource like this when my first was really little.

2014-09-26_0003Do you need to update your headshot?  Do you want professional images with different looks for different purposes?  Get in touch with me now and let’s discuss your needs and when we can get them done!

Casual to Wow! | Glamour Portraits | Sydney

This glamour session has to be one of my favourite sessions to date!  I turned up at Steph’s place and first thing we did was to find where we would shoot in her house – they had a beautiful open living area with large windows letting in loads of natural light which were just perfect for what we wanted.  Steph already had her hair and make up ready to go, so next step was to check out what clothes we were going to work with.  Steph picked out a dozen different  outfits and from those we picked three “must have” options and then picked a few more which we would also shoot if time allowed (we ended up shooting six different looks).  One of the earlier tops, was this gorgeous soft, pink top which was perfect for some really pretty headshots.


We then moved on to ripped jeans and a casual, pretty lace top and took a range of images from headshots to full body.  I love how friendly and relaxed Steph looks in this image and it’s one of my favourites from the day.  Second to last outfit was this stunning evening dress which Steph absolutely rocked!  She looks amazing, strong and utterly feminine at the same time.  THIS is glamour!


One of the challenges was getting Steph into some of the poses (definitely not a reflection on you Steph), they’re trickier than they look!  After re-setting her pose yet again, she was getting frustrated that she couldn’t just “get it right”.  But you know what, we’re not professional models, we don’t do this on a daily basis and chances are you’ve never done anything like this before, so it can’t be expected that this will all just come naturally.  So after shaking it all out and starting again, we nailed it the next go.

The final outfit?  Well, we won’t be sharing those photos, but I believe her husband was very pleased with the results!

If you’re interested in having me come over to your place, and letting me make some gorgeous photographs of you, get in touch and we will set a date!


A Splash of Purple | Glamour Portraits | Northern Sydney

Check out my new purple backdrop – I absolutely love how they turned out!  Lucky for me, Kathie is a big fan of purple so we started the shoot with it and she looks pretty amazing.  Kathie and I know each other from another life when we both worked for the same company several years ago, so it was really great to catch up in person again.  She is such a busy woman – full time work, 3 kids and several other side projects and activities to fill in all those spare minutes she doesn’t have.  Amongst all of that, she somehow found the time to train for and then complete the City to Surf in August.

We had a great time on this shoot (well, I did anyway) as I directed Kathie into the poses and made her twist and contort into the different positions.  It turns into a bit of a pilates or yoga workout at times, but the results are worth it!


Here are the same images in black and white, a totally different feel to them but all beautiful.


And because I loved these images so much, here are a few more from the shoot – Kathie, you were a brilliant model and I absolutely love the intensity of your eyes which comes through in every single photo.


These shoots are such a fantastic way to just take some time out and celebrate ourselves as women, not just in our roles as mum and wife and our days filled with kids activities and home stuff.  So often we are the ones behind the camera and rarely appear in our own family photos and even more rarely are we the sole subject of a photo.  Give me a call or drop me an email to find out more about having a shoot like this for yourself – I’m absolutely loving the results!