Home / 2014 / April

Letter to My Daughters – April

Goodness, where did this month go?!

Dear Sophie, you continue to show more and more of your personality.  This month has seen you start to really interact with your world and wanting to do more.  You still aren’t that keen on rolling – you have done it, but you would rather be sitting or holding our hands to stand up and see more than you can while laying on the ground.  We picked up a high chair for you and you sit in it a couple of times a day now playing with toys or watching what everyone else is up to.

You have started eating a bit more “real food” and you are loving the pureed apple  and porridge we have introduced you to so far.  You have also found your voice, almost to our dismay, with your favourite sound being a very loud, high shriek.  At least it seems to be a happy noise most of the time.  You continue to be our good sleeping, happy, smiley little girl.


Dear Emily, another amazing month for you.  Your energy levels continue to increase and you are definitely keeping us on our toes as you test your capabilities and boundaries.  We spend weekends working out ways to tire you out and as a result we get out a lot more ourselves and are exploring more parks and playgrounds in the area.  Over Easter your interest in fountains finally surpassed your fear of getting wet from them and you ended up soaked but incredibly happy.  Of course this was the one time we forgot to bring a change of clothes for you!


You are slowly adding more words to your vocabulary, still not a lot of words there but it’s really starting to pick up.  Recently you have added “hi”, “shhh” and “baby” and your pronunciation is getting clearer all the time.  We have changed up your breakfast a few times lately to try and get enough into you and have finally settled on giving you porridge – and most days you eat as much as dad!  You continue to be a funny, affectionate little girl and dote on your little sister.


Love you both lots and lots and lots xoxoxoxo

Head on over to Melanie’s blog to see the next letter in the “Letters to Our Children” blog circle.

Re-launch and opening special!


mini sessions MayI’m very excited about re-launching Kim Eales Photography in May.  At the moment I’m madly getting organised and testing things out so that I can make sure everything runs smoothly once I get going and to ensure that the products I offer are of a beautiful quality.

As an opening special, I will be offering mini-sessions over two separate days – one weekday, one weekend day – so that I can offer as many people as possible a taste of what I will be offering in a full session.  I am still confirming dates for this, so stay tuned on the blog, my Facebook page or sign up to my newsletter (bottom of this page or via Facebook) to make sure you don’t miss out.

What do you get from this mini-session?  It will be a 15 minute session at a location I will confirm with you in the next couple of weeks.  From this session, I will provide an online gallery with at least 6 images in for you to select the 3 high-resolution digital images which will be included in the $95 session fee.  The additional images and a limited range of products will also be available for you to purchase.

Over the coming weeks, I will be sharing with you the types of sessions that work well as a mini-session, how to know if a mini-session will give you what you are after or if you should go ahead and book a full session, and what you can expect from me in the months ahead.  I have a lot of plans in the making and I can’t wait to get on top of it all and share it with you!

Letters to my Daughters – March

Dear Emily, this month has seen a huge transformation in your social interactions.  You have gone from tears when being dropped at childcare, to being so excited at the mere mention that you will be going.  You stop whatever you are doing and start waving bye bye to me, come over and give me a kiss, then find daddy and hurry him along so that you can get going.  You are also interacting with other children so much more – at childcare, at the playground – everywhere.


You’ve had your share of colds and fevers this month, finishing the month on antibiotics for tonsillitis.  Otherwise you have been happy and active, your confidence is soaring and you are testing your physical boundaries and capabilities more and more every day.  It’s resulting in a few bumped heads and tears, but you approach life at a run now and you don’t let anything hold you back.

You have gone up another shoe size, into size 8 now and most of your clothes are a size 2 – they’re a bit long in the arms, but the length of the pants and tops is perfect for you.  We went to a party for a 4-yr old the other day and after you got over your initial shyness you had an absolute ball, playing with the hoops and right at the end you got up the nerve to go on the jumping castle – I didn’t think we would ever get you off, you thought it was all a big laugh.


Dear Sophie, you seem to be growing and getting bigger almost every day at the moment.  You are sleeping for shorter periods through the day, but you still sleep through the night for us.  You had your 4 month immunisations and check up this month and passed with flying colours, although I thought you were going to jump out of my lap with the first needle, you got such a fright!

You are becoming much more alert and aware of your surroundings, watching everything going on with great interest – especially if it involves your big sister.  You are enjoying tummy time a lot more and are getting very strong.  You have rolled over from front to back a few times now and are trying with all your might to go from back to front but you don’t quite have it yet.  I don’t think it will be long now though.


You have become a real chatterbox too and will carry on a gurgly, burbly conversation with us for several minutes at a time.  You are still our happy, smiley, chubby little girl and very easy going and happy to fit in with whatever is going on.

Love you both lots and lots and lots xoxoxoxoxox

For the next blog in our Letters to Our Children circle, head on over and see what Jacqueline has to say