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Put Yourself in the Frame this Mothers Day | Family Photography | North Sydney

This year will be my third Mothers Day.  For my first Mothers Day, when my husband asked me what I wanted, I thought I was keeping it pretty simple and said that all I wanted was a nice photo of my daughter and I together.  It is now what I want every Mothers Day – I missed out last year unfortunately, I did get a lovely dressing gown, but no photo.  This year I’m determined to get a photo of myself with BOTH my daughters!2015-05-01_0002

Far too often as a mum, we are the ones always taking the photos and never being in them.  Mostly we just want to make sure we capture all those gorgeous moments from our day to day life that happen with our little ones, using whatever is to hand – from a slr camera, point and shoot or, more often now, our phones.  Sometimes it’s a great way to avoid being in front of the camera too, post pregnancy bodies and less time to take care of ourselves often have us feeling a lot more self conscious of our appearance than pre-kids.


This Mothers Day, I want to encourage you to get in front of the camera.  So hand that camera (or phone) over to your partner, family member or friend and get them to take a few shots of you with your kids.  Over the coming week I will share a few simple tips to help you get some great shots of you with your kids!