Home / 2013 / April

Letter to Emily – April

Dear Emily,

As usual – what a month!  You made a huge leap in everything at the start of this month.  Over Easter you decided to change everything up with your feeds, sleeps – everything.  You’ve dropped a bottle and we’re down to doing only 4 bottles a day now and we’ve massively increased the amount of solids you have.  Very clearly two big meals a day – porridge and fruit in the morning for breakfast and then veges and a bit of fruit for lunch.  You’re down to three naps a day, still sleeping really well and towards the end of this month you’ve given us several nights where you haven’t woken up and needed us to help you resettle once!

Emily 8 months

On the movement front, you made it up onto your knees but took a while to work out that you could move forwards on you knees as well.  Then in the space of a week you went from a couple of tentative forward movements, to happily crawling after us or the cat or exploring away on your own.  It only took a couple of days and you were starting to pull yourself up onto your knees, then your feet and a couple of days ago you pulled yourself up onto the first step on our staircase.  Needless to say it is now blocked off!  You’re still a bit wobbly though and have taken a few tumbles, a few tears, but you’re tough and are usually easy to distract with a toy.

Emily 8 months stairs

You also have really started to show your personality.  After not being a very cuddly baby, you now love nothing more than crawling up to and snuggling up with mummy and daddy.  You give us big grins, lots of giggles and when we pick you up you happily nestle into a shoulder.

It’s been a wonderful month watching you change from a baby to an interactive and loving little person.

Love you lots and lots and lots xoxoxo

Emily 8 months looking at camera

To see the next blog in our Letters to Our Children blog circle, head over to Nicole’s blog for beautiful photography and words.

An Afternoon at the Beach – Family Photography – Sydney

This fabulous family decided that they wanted to have photos at the beach, so one late afternoon we made our way down to Long Reef to see what we could find there.  I had already checked that it would be low tide, so most of the sand and rock platforms would be exposed, giving us loads of opportunities for exploring and some interesting shots.  It was the end of a beautiful sunny day, a little bit windy and made for some fantastic photos!

family photography, long reef, beach, sydney

The kids were fantastic, they were so enthusiastic and had a great time exploring the new beach.  The kids (and mum!) all had new outfits bought especially for the shoot so they were excited to get to wear them and looked great! We played in the sand, checked out rock pools, clambered over driftwood and in general just had a lot of fun!  As we neared the end of the shoot, the reflections in some of the rock pools were just magical, so of course we had to get one final family photograph…

long reef beach, family photography, reflections

Beautiful Balmain morning – Sydney Family Photography

It was a gorgeous sunny morning in Sydney when I met up with this family to take their photos at Ballast Point Park in Balmain.  The kids were fantastic, happy to have their photo taken and keen to show me to all their favourite places around the park – it is pretty local to them so they know it well.  There were three, no four, no FIVE favourite places we had to go to and take photos in each – all of them just perfect!  And baby Gus is one of the most smiley bubs I’ve met and would look over with a big grin almost every time I called out to him.

Ballast Point Park, Sydney, Family Photography