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Letter to My Daughters ~ October/November

Dear Sophie – you turned ONE in October!  We can’t believe our little baby girl is one year old.  You continue to delight us with your cheeky grins and cuddles and generally happy nature.  You had so much fun at your party at the park next door, loving being centre of attention and we saved opening presents for the next day.  You received such beautiful gifts from family and friends, Emily enjoyed helping you open them too.


You also started walking shortly after your birthday and it hasn’t taken you long to get in the swing of it and you’re almost at the point of being able to run away from your sister.


Dear Emily,  you are growing up SO much!  Your talking has progressed amazingly and you have become a real little chatterbox.  Every day you are talking more clearly and able to express yourself better, it’s amazing to watch.


You absolutely adore your little sister and were so excited when she started walking.  You wanted to hold her hand as she walked, but Sophie was too independent and wanted to do her own thing.  We had a few tears and you still push her over every now and then, but you’ve come to realise that it’s much more fun to have Sophie walking around with you.


You have been pretty healthy recently which has been lovely, we had a stint with hand, foot and mouth for both of you, but otherwise you have been able to get out and about every weekend and are absolutely loving daycare during the week.  You have become a really cuddly little girl too, with great big hugs for all of us.






Love you both lots and lots and lots xoxoxox

For the next blog in our Letters to our Children circle, head on over to Rebecca’s blog and see what she has posted.