Home / 2014 / September

Casual to Wow! | Glamour Portraits | Sydney

This glamour session has to be one of my favourite sessions to date!  I turned up at Steph’s place and first thing we did was to find where we would shoot in her house – they had a beautiful open living area with large windows letting in loads of natural light which were just perfect for what we wanted.  Steph already had her hair and make up ready to go, so next step was to check out what clothes we were going to work with.  Steph picked out a dozen different  outfits and from those we picked three “must have” options and then picked a few more which we would also shoot if time allowed (we ended up shooting six different looks).  One of the earlier tops, was this gorgeous soft, pink top which was perfect for some really pretty headshots.


We then moved on to ripped jeans and a casual, pretty lace top and took a range of images from headshots to full body.  I love how friendly and relaxed Steph looks in this image and it’s one of my favourites from the day.  Second to last outfit was this stunning evening dress which Steph absolutely rocked!  She looks amazing, strong and utterly feminine at the same time.  THIS is glamour!


One of the challenges was getting Steph into some of the poses (definitely not a reflection on you Steph), they’re trickier than they look!  After re-setting her pose yet again, she was getting frustrated that she couldn’t just “get it right”.  But you know what, we’re not professional models, we don’t do this on a daily basis and chances are you’ve never done anything like this before, so it can’t be expected that this will all just come naturally.  So after shaking it all out and starting again, we nailed it the next go.

The final outfit?  Well, we won’t be sharing those photos, but I believe her husband was very pleased with the results!

If you’re interested in having me come over to your place, and letting me make some gorgeous photographs of you, get in touch and we will set a date!


A Splash of Purple | Glamour Portraits | Northern Sydney

Check out my new purple backdrop – I absolutely love how they turned out!  Lucky for me, Kathie is a big fan of purple so we started the shoot with it and she looks pretty amazing.  Kathie and I know each other from another life when we both worked for the same company several years ago, so it was really great to catch up in person again.  She is such a busy woman – full time work, 3 kids and several other side projects and activities to fill in all those spare minutes she doesn’t have.  Amongst all of that, she somehow found the time to train for and then complete the City to Surf in August.

We had a great time on this shoot (well, I did anyway) as I directed Kathie into the poses and made her twist and contort into the different positions.  It turns into a bit of a pilates or yoga workout at times, but the results are worth it!


Here are the same images in black and white, a totally different feel to them but all beautiful.


And because I loved these images so much, here are a few more from the shoot – Kathie, you were a brilliant model and I absolutely love the intensity of your eyes which comes through in every single photo.


These shoots are such a fantastic way to just take some time out and celebrate ourselves as women, not just in our roles as mum and wife and our days filled with kids activities and home stuff.  So often we are the ones behind the camera and rarely appear in our own family photos and even more rarely are we the sole subject of a photo.  Give me a call or drop me an email to find out more about having a shoot like this for yourself – I’m absolutely loving the results!

Sunny Winter’s Day | Sydney Portrait Photography

I headed up to the central coast to meet up with this gorgeous family for their most recent family portrait session.  It was one of those perfect winters day – clear skies, crisp air which gradually warmed up to t-shirt weather.  We met up at Umina Beach and headed in to the park to start off, the kids went a little crazy running around the place, climbing everything and hiding through the maze.  They managed to stay still for a few moments so we could get them all in one place and get some photos of everyone together.


It was such a great opportunity to get some photos of 3 generations together, so we made sure that each of the kids had a photo taken with their mum and also one with mum and their grandmother.  This young lady is growing up so quickly, it’s hard to believe it’s the same girl I met when I first took their photos three years ago!


The twins are a study in contrasts.  Sean is the calm, quietly confident one with bursts of cheekiness and an irresistible smile.


Hayley on the others hand, is an absolute firecracker.  Her thoughts and words come out a mile a minute and her enthusiasm for everything just boils over.2014-09-11_0003

Thank you for letting me photograph your family again, it’s so lovely to see a family grow and watch the personality’s of your kids develop over the years!

Letters to my Daughters ~ August

Dear Emily.  You had your second birthday this month and are growing up so quickly!  We had a very small birthday celebration for you while 3 of your grandparents were in town.  There were lots of presents and you got to eat a whole cupcake, although you weren’t impressed with the overly sweet frosting and turned the thing upside down so you could just eat the cake part.


The end of the month was a bit hard for you as you were hit with croup which made you utterly miserable for a week or so.  Luckily we got on to it quickly and you recovered ok.  Around the same time you had a massive word explosion though and you are still coming out with several new words every  day.  You’ve even developed a bit of a lisp as you try and get the words out faster than your mouth can handle.  It’s lovely being able to have simple conversations with you and hear you express yourself.


With the weather improving, we have been able to get out to the park again which you are loving.  You are interacting with us and others so much more these days.  We had a fun  game of chasings around the park which had you peering out from behind equipment and giving us the most gorgeous cheeky grins. Your caring nature is shining out more and more, you are a beautiful, helpful, cuddly little girl.

Dear Sophie, you are so active now!  You are crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything and trying to climb anything within reach.  I think you enjoyed your sisters birthday as much as she did and got to play with the paper and some of the new toys.


Most of your photos don’t show it, but it seems like you just don’t stop smiling.  You’ve been pretty sick this last week, but once you stop crying after a big cough you are straight back to grinning, blowing raspberries and making happy little noises.  We are still going to the zoo most weekends and make a point now to stop and let you out for a bit of a wander at some point which you are definitely enjoying, still a bit longer before you start noticing the animals though.


You are also loving the visits to the park as you can now sit in the swing and get pushed in it a bit.  Emily loves giving you a push or sitting on the swing next to yours and you both watch each other as you swing.


You are my gorgeous, happy, bubbly little girl, who can’t wait to start walking and follow her big sister around.


Love you both lots and lots and lots xoxoxoxo

 Head on over and have a look at Joanne’s blog for the next post in our Letters to Our Children blog circle.