Home / 2013 / March

Letter to Emily – March

letter to Emily photograph

Dear Emily,

You’re growing up so much now!  Your second tooth came through shortly after the first and you now have both bottom teeth which you enjoy using to get stuck into your food.  This month has seen you really getting stuck into eating – we now have porridge and fruit for breaky each morning, veggies and fruit for lunch and, depending on timing, you will get bits of our dinner or something to munch on in the evening too.  We try and give you things you can pick up and feed yourself with as well as spoon feeding you so you can start getting the hang of feeding yourself, although you still prefer us to feed you.

This month has seen you become much more smiley, with a huge cheeky grin always at the ready.  You are also becoming much more vocal with us, no recognisable sounds yet, but it can’t be too far off.  You are also much more mobile, rolling around as you please and this month you started doing a “commando” crawl – not up on your knees yet, but definitely getting pretty quick moving around the place.  After a couple of incidents, the cat has worked out it is much safer to be out of your way!


We started up a bit of an evening routine with you now as well.  You skip your nap between the last two feeds and stretch out being awake for a little bit longer.  We help with this by taking you for a long walk each evening which you seem to enjoy.  Then once we’re home it’s final bottle for the night, clean nappy, read a book and put you down to bed.  You’re slowly getting the hang of it and going down much better of an evening than you have done.


I’m also very pleased to see that your hair has started growing back in.  Much lighter than when you were born but it seems to be growing quite quickly, can’t wait to see what it looks like as it grows more.  It’s been a lovely month with you watching you grow and learn,

Love you lots and lots and lots xoxo


To take a look at the next “Letters to our Daughters” in this blog circle, click here to read what Nicole has to say and see her beautiful photos.

Sunny morning in the mountains – Family Photographer – Sydney

It was a gorgeous misty morning up in the Blue Mountains of Sydney when I headed up to photograph this gorgeous family.  I hoped the mist would hang around for a while and give us some lovely soft light, but it cleared quickly into the most glorious day for the start of autumn.

The older two boys were a little unsure about the whole thing at first, but quickly got into it and we got some lovely photos of the boys and the family.  While the grass was soaked from morning mist, there were some beautiful big old trees in the park which were just perfect for setting up some shots of the family sitting together.

Towards the end, the boys got a little tired of “standing in the right spot and looking at the camera”, I grabbed some photos of mum and dad together.  I absolutely adore these shots, after three kids and nearly nine years of marriage, they are still so obviously in love.

Then it was the baby’s turn and he put on a wonderful show of grins and giggles, with a few serious faces thrown in for good measure. He was most obliging, and lay down, sat, munched on his toes AND looked at the camera – a perfect model, and a perfect way to finish off the shoot!

family photography blue mountains sydnye

6 months old already! – child photography, northern Sydney

Well, this little chap is certainly growing up fast!  He was a touch over six months old for these photos and is a deliciously chubby little boy who looks older than he is, possibly due to the loads of gorgeous hair he already has.  For this shoot we started at a local park near where the family live.  It had been raining all week though, so the ground was soggy and options became limited, so we grabbed a few shots and moved on.6 months family photos sydney LachieWe went back to their home to get the main lot of photos done inside and wow what a perfect set up they had in the living area.  There were beautiful polished floor boards, against recently painted skirting boards and walls, with huge windows letting in loads of natural light from both sides.  Master Lachie is still perfecting the art of sitting up, not that you would know if from the photo below!  I love the series of images with Dad reading to him – he looks so thoughtful, as though he’s really taking it all in.  And when they pulled out the jack-in-the-box, he became so focused.  He’s such a cute little boy and with such a sunny disposition, it was an absolute pleasure to photograph him with his mum and dad and catch up on how he was going.Lachie_6 months reading

Lachie 6 months jack-in-th-box Sydney

An afternoon in the park – Family Photography Sydney

This family was always going to introduce a little bit of chaos to things with 3 boys under 7 and a 6 month old girl in the mix.  The mum described it to me as herding cats when the three boys are all together and she wasn’t far wrong!  I had met them all previously as the little girl is born on the same day as my daughter, but never all of them at the same time.  Having said that, the boys are fantastic – friendly, energetic, cheeky – and all with gorgeous blond hair.

We had already had to postpone this shoot twice – once due to all the rain we have been having in Sydney lately, and once due to a couple of the kids being sick.  So third time was the charm and while it looked a bit touch and go in the morning, the afternoon was prefect and turned on some gorgeous late afternoon light for us

pearce family photos sydney

While the boys complained a couple of times about having photos taken, they still managed to find bridges to run across, trees to climb and water to play in.  These boys don’t do anything by halves and were all soaked by the end.  I seem to be getting into the habit of finding some water to be splashed around in at the end of a shoot!
