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Letter to Emily – June

What a month!  You’ve had your cranky pants on for a lot of this month – first you had a tummy bug which luckily didn’t last too long, but you took several days to get over it completely.  Then we realised that you had two molars come through!  They usually don’t show up until you are 15 months or so and took us all by surprise.  Then only two days ago, one of those bottom teeth came through – so we’re up to NINE teeth already!

Emily at the park, letter to my daughter

You are eating well, have dropped another bottle (now only three) and will try almost anything we give you.  You weren’t very impressed with mushrooms but that’s about it.  We’re introducing more and more finger food to you and you love feeding yourself and don’t make nearly as much mess with it as we expected.  I cooked up some pikelets and shared them with you the other day and you thought it was absolutely awesome!  (Excuse the quality of the photos below, they’re from my camera phone but were too cute not to share.)

EEmily eating pikelets, letter to my daughter

You move around so much more confidently now, cruising on anything you can pull up on, holding our hands to “walk” around and climbing the stairs so quickly.  We took you to the park on the weekend but you weren’t very impressed with it.  Hopefully you will become more interested when the weather warms up and you can start moving around everything yourself.  You also had your first trip to the zoo.  We found enough animals that were moving around to keep you entertained for a while, but I think the highlight of the day for you was getting to eat a hot chip!

Emily at the zoo, letter to my daughter

You have the cheekiest, happiest grin for us at the moment.  You are finding the big, wide world a little intimidating at times, but always feel safe with your mum and dad around.

Love you lots and lots and lots xx

Hop on over to Melanie’s blog for more beautiful photos with her letter to her daughter.

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