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Put Yourself in the Frame this Mothers Day | Family Photography | North Sydney

This year will be my third Mothers Day.  For my first Mothers Day, when my husband asked me what I wanted, I thought I was keeping it pretty simple and said that all I wanted was a nice photo of my daughter and I together.  It is now what I want every Mothers Day – I missed out last year unfortunately, I did get a lovely dressing gown, but no photo.  This year I’m determined to get a photo of myself with BOTH my daughters!2015-05-01_0002

Far too often as a mum, we are the ones always taking the photos and never being in them.  Mostly we just want to make sure we capture all those gorgeous moments from our day to day life that happen with our little ones, using whatever is to hand – from a slr camera, point and shoot or, more often now, our phones.  Sometimes it’s a great way to avoid being in front of the camera too, post pregnancy bodies and less time to take care of ourselves often have us feeling a lot more self conscious of our appearance than pre-kids.


This Mothers Day, I want to encourage you to get in front of the camera.  So hand that camera (or phone) over to your partner, family member or friend and get them to take a few shots of you with your kids.  Over the coming week I will share a few simple tips to help you get some great shots of you with your kids!



Sunny Winter’s Day | Sydney Portrait Photography

I headed up to the central coast to meet up with this gorgeous family for their most recent family portrait session.  It was one of those perfect winters day – clear skies, crisp air which gradually warmed up to t-shirt weather.  We met up at Umina Beach and headed in to the park to start off, the kids went a little crazy running around the place, climbing everything and hiding through the maze.  They managed to stay still for a few moments so we could get them all in one place and get some photos of everyone together.


It was such a great opportunity to get some photos of 3 generations together, so we made sure that each of the kids had a photo taken with their mum and also one with mum and their grandmother.  This young lady is growing up so quickly, it’s hard to believe it’s the same girl I met when I first took their photos three years ago!


The twins are a study in contrasts.  Sean is the calm, quietly confident one with bursts of cheekiness and an irresistible smile.


Hayley on the others hand, is an absolute firecracker.  Her thoughts and words come out a mile a minute and her enthusiasm for everything just boils over.2014-09-11_0003

Thank you for letting me photograph your family again, it’s so lovely to see a family grow and watch the personality’s of your kids develop over the years!

Final leaves of Autumn ~ Family Photography ~ Northern Sydney

Another gorgeous Saturday when I headed out to Fagans Park for these family photos.  There are so many beautiful locations throughout the different gardens here, it was easy finding different and lovely backdrops for the photos.  We went on quite a bit of a trek around the park and most of the time it felt like we had the place to ourselves (and the ducks!) as it had been a wet end to the week and the morning had dawned a bit grey, however it was an absolutely perfect morning.  The autumn colour was glowing and the last of the leaves were still clinging to the trees.

Family photography northern sydney, fagans park

Kids make me laugh sometimes at their honesty, at the start of the shoot I asked the boy if he was looking forward to doing the photos.  His answer was “No, not really”.  So I made sure we quickly found some fun things to do and set him some challenges to get him going – it’s amazing how enthusiastic kids can get when you ask which step they can jump off, or bet they can’t climb on to a particular rock!  He didn’t admit it, but I’m pretty sure he had a good time and we certainly got some good grins out of him.

fagans park autumn colour northern sydney photography

I had so much fun photographing this family and being able to capture so much fun and love amongst the gorgeous autumn colour.

Under the Trees ~ Family Photography Sydney

I met up with this gorgeous family on a very overcast morning out at Bicentennial Park at Homebush.  I love the soft light from an overcast day which allowed us to get these beautiful family photos out in the open.  The two little boys were firecrackers!  The older one was off and running for most of the shoot – playing in the grass, chasing the ducks, climbing things, he had so much energy.  The younger boy isn’t too mobile yet, but he kept an eye on everything going on around, taking it all in and he had the cutest, crooked little smile.

bicentennial park sydney family photography

The sun made an appearance for the second half of the shoot and we had so many locations to choose from.  The boys obviously adored being with their parents and I loved watching the interaction between them all. xx

bicentennial park homebush family photography natural light

Happy Mothers Day

A very happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there.  Whether this is your first (like me!) or one of many, I hope you are being spoilt and looked after by your loved ones.  I asked for some photos of me and my little one for Mothers Day, we will do some more but these are a start – try and get out from behind the camera today and make sure you are in the photos too, your kids will treasure them!  I’ve also included some photos of some gorgeous mums with their kids that I’ve taken in the past.  Enjoy!

Happy Mothers Day photography sydneymothers day photography


Five little boys… – Sydney Family Photography

With five boys aged six and under, my hat goes off to these parents!  We met up out at Bicentennial Park at Homebush one sunny morning to see how we would go trying to get all of them looking at the camera at the same time.  They were all so lovely and friendly though that we managed to get some great family photos with very little effort.  Then it was on to get some images of all the boys together and then the crazy energy started. Putting five boys in a great big park with so much space and so many places to explore made for us all being constantly on the go, grabbing the photos whenever they paused for breath before they were off again.  It was a beautiful morning and the boys really were delightful!

family photography sydney bicentennial park

So much energy, so much activity and constantly on the go.  But then when you have kids as cute as these ones they are hard to resist.  We finished up the session at the water play area and let they boys run around some more.  I put the zoom lens on the camera and kept well back from the splashing and it was a really fun way to end things.  Luckily a change of clothes had been packed for all the boys because they certainly needed it after this!

bicentennial park sydney, family photography, playing

An Afternoon at the Beach – Family Photography – Sydney

This fabulous family decided that they wanted to have photos at the beach, so one late afternoon we made our way down to Long Reef to see what we could find there.  I had already checked that it would be low tide, so most of the sand and rock platforms would be exposed, giving us loads of opportunities for exploring and some interesting shots.  It was the end of a beautiful sunny day, a little bit windy and made for some fantastic photos!

family photography, long reef, beach, sydney

The kids were fantastic, they were so enthusiastic and had a great time exploring the new beach.  The kids (and mum!) all had new outfits bought especially for the shoot so they were excited to get to wear them and looked great! We played in the sand, checked out rock pools, clambered over driftwood and in general just had a lot of fun!  As we neared the end of the shoot, the reflections in some of the rock pools were just magical, so of course we had to get one final family photograph…

long reef beach, family photography, reflections

Beautiful Balmain morning – Sydney Family Photography

It was a gorgeous sunny morning in Sydney when I met up with this family to take their photos at Ballast Point Park in Balmain.  The kids were fantastic, happy to have their photo taken and keen to show me to all their favourite places around the park – it is pretty local to them so they know it well.  There were three, no four, no FIVE favourite places we had to go to and take photos in each – all of them just perfect!  And baby Gus is one of the most smiley bubs I’ve met and would look over with a big grin almost every time I called out to him.

Ballast Point Park, Sydney, Family Photography


Sunny morning in the mountains – Family Photographer – Sydney

It was a gorgeous misty morning up in the Blue Mountains of Sydney when I headed up to photograph this gorgeous family.  I hoped the mist would hang around for a while and give us some lovely soft light, but it cleared quickly into the most glorious day for the start of autumn.

The older two boys were a little unsure about the whole thing at first, but quickly got into it and we got some lovely photos of the boys and the family.  While the grass was soaked from morning mist, there were some beautiful big old trees in the park which were just perfect for setting up some shots of the family sitting together.

Towards the end, the boys got a little tired of “standing in the right spot and looking at the camera”, I grabbed some photos of mum and dad together.  I absolutely adore these shots, after three kids and nearly nine years of marriage, they are still so obviously in love.

Then it was the baby’s turn and he put on a wonderful show of grins and giggles, with a few serious faces thrown in for good measure. He was most obliging, and lay down, sat, munched on his toes AND looked at the camera – a perfect model, and a perfect way to finish off the shoot!

family photography blue mountains sydnye