Home / 2014 / February

Letter to my Daughters – January

Dear Emily, another big month of changes for you in January.  Your first days at childcare – you’re the oldest in the “babies” room and although you cry and carry on when we leave you there, you settle in quickly and seem to be loving all the different activities available.  They are long days for you though and you always come home exhausted and ready for some quiet time with mummy and daddy.  You also had your first cold which neither of us enjoyed at all.  You were miserable with a sore throat which would wake you up multiple times during the night needing to be soothed back to sleep again.  Luckily the accompanying high temperature didn’t last long and you got better quickly.

You are quickly growing and becoming more confident in your abilities and around other people.  You love playing on the equipment at the local playground and will now happily go down the “big” slide and you are becoming more comfortable when other children are playing there as well.  As long as they don’t try and get too close to you!


You are finally making the transition to a single day sleep.  I’m a bit sad to see the two sleeps go and you are getting very tired by the end of the day, but it will let us do a lot more things once you settle into it properly.  It is already helping with you getting to sleep more quickly in the evenings which is lovely for us.

You still adore your little sister, and it is her you go to first when I come to pick you up from childcare or when daddy brings you home.  You love touching her and helping us look after her, letting us know if we have forgotten something or put things in the wrong place.  You are growing up into a gorgeous, helpful and caring little girl.


Dear Sophie, you are the happiest, most settled little baby I have ever come across.  You feed well and have already dropped back to only four feeds a day.  They are big feeds, but you show no interest in getting fed more frequently at this point and have lovely long sleeps between times.  You are also sleeping through the night nearly every night for which we are very thankful.  And you sleep in later than the rest of us!  This week has seen you up usually some time around 7am, which lets the rest of us get up, showered and fed before you most mornings which makes a great start to the day for us.

You are becoming quite alert and when you wake up wanting a feed, you don’t cry, but rather just lay there with your eyes wide open taking in everything around you.  When I come over and call your name, you search until you find me and then give the most beautiful, big smiles and you seem so happy.

You have been gaining weight rather impressively as well.  We had to move you up another clothing size sooner than we expected (and some of those are a bit short for you already!) and you show no signs of losing any of the chubbiness you have had since the beginning.  You are a gorgeous, happy, easy going, chubby little baby.

Love you both lots and lots and lots xoxoxoxo

The next blog in our “Letters to our Children” blog circle is from Melanie, so pop on over and have a look at her photos and letter for this month.