Dear Emily,
You’re growing up so much now! Your second tooth came through shortly after the first and you now have both bottom teeth which you enjoy using to get stuck into your food. This month has seen you really getting stuck into eating – we now have porridge and fruit for breaky each morning, veggies and fruit for lunch and, depending on timing, you will get bits of our dinner or something to munch on in the evening too. We try and give you things you can pick up and feed yourself with as well as spoon feeding you so you can start getting the hang of feeding yourself, although you still prefer us to feed you.
This month has seen you become much more smiley, with a huge cheeky grin always at the ready. You are also becoming much more vocal with us, no recognisable sounds yet, but it can’t be too far off. You are also much more mobile, rolling around as you please and this month you started doing a “commando” crawl – not up on your knees yet, but definitely getting pretty quick moving around the place. After a couple of incidents, the cat has worked out it is much safer to be out of your way!
We started up a bit of an evening routine with you now as well. You skip your nap between the last two feeds and stretch out being awake for a little bit longer. We help with this by taking you for a long walk each evening which you seem to enjoy. Then once we’re home it’s final bottle for the night, clean nappy, read a book and put you down to bed. You’re slowly getting the hang of it and going down much better of an evening than you have done.
I’m also very pleased to see that your hair has started growing back in. Much lighter than when you were born but it seems to be growing quite quickly, can’t wait to see what it looks like as it grows more. It’s been a lovely month with you watching you grow and learn,
Love you lots and lots and lots xoxo
To take a look at the next “Letters to our Daughters” in this blog circle, click here to read what Nicole has to say and see her beautiful photos.