Home / 2014 / August

Just beautiful | Glamour Photography | Northern Sydney

I’ve been bugging Tamara to let me take her family photos for a couple of years now and we still need to get around to it.  But I was successful in talking her into letting me do a mini glamour shoot for her to test out my new portable backdrops.  Such a big beautiful smile, I’m so happy with how these turned out – she looks amazing!


Another beautiful teenager | Sydney glamour photography

As promised, this week I am sharing a few of the images from the glamour shoot that I did for two teenage best friends.  Miss Z is up this week and wow – what a gorgeous girl, her blue eyes really stood out and once she relaxed a bit and let her natural smile shine through, the photos really came alive.

Thank you for letting me photograph you, you and Miss G were so much fun!

teenage beauty photography sydney

Teenage Beauty | Sydney Glamour Photography

This gorgeous teenager was visiting her parents in Sydney just as I was looking for a younger model to try out some glamour photography.  As an added bonus, her friend was also up for a few days and I managed to capture them both with my camera and I was so pleased with how they turned out.

Miss G had turned 16 the day before the shoot and she had such a lovely, graceful way of moving that really comes out in a couple of the images.  She definitely has a beautiful smile, but I also love the more serious look that she can do – so elegant!  Thank you for letting me photograph you, I can’t wait to share some photos from your friends shoot next week on the blog.teenager glamour portraits sydney

Letter to my Daughters – July

Dear Sophie, big milestones this month – your first tooth came through at the start of the month, with the second one only a few days behind.  It was a pretty grumpy few days for you though with not much sleep for any of us as the first one came in, then the second appeared with no fanfare whatsoever.  The other big milestone for you is that you have started crawling!  A little wobbly and unsteady at first, but after only a week you really have the hang of it and have worked out that you can start to follow when people walk away from you.  It’s adorable to see you crawling after your big sister or determinedly heading for your toys.


You hit the 9 month mark last weekend, so I decided it was time to weigh you again – you came in at 9.3kg which has you at the 85th percentile!  No wonder my arms are getting tired carrying you around.  You continue to do 4 bottles each day and two increasingly large feeds of solids, although I still can’t interest you in an extra serve of solids in the morning.  You seem to be dropping your afternoon nap as you haven’t had one for 4 days now, but your other nap times haven’t changed at all.  It does make sure you go to sleep of an evening very, very quickly which we like.

Now that your teeth are through, you are sleeping well again and it is very rare that I need to get up to you during the night.  Continue to sleep well my happy, chubby, healthy little girl.



Dear Emily, not to be outdone, the first of the 2yr old molars has made an appearance the same weekend as your sisters’ first teeth came through.  It caused you a bit of discomfort, so we ended up with both of you sleeping poorly and a bit upset at the same time – that was a very long few days.  You also started the month with a bang, after a couple of days with high temps and being miserable, you were put on another round of antibiotics for suspected chest infection which had led to an ear infection as well.IMG_9005

We seem to be going to the zoo every weekend at the moment and you are loving it, you always want to see the “hop hop” (kangaroos), elephants and the lion/tiger/bear combo which is accompanied by many growls.


Your hair is getting thicker and longer and it is easier to tie it up to keep out of your face.  It makes you look so much older than the little girl you are.  You are getting more independent and your vocabulary is expanding on a daily basis which is lovely to hear and we are starting to get several two word combos.  You continue to eat almost anything put in front of you and love your corn, peas, cheese and honey (on everything).  We have started getting some impressive tantrums too, but they are still usually because you are overtired or frustrated.


You are a delightful little girl who adores her younger sister (except when she wants to play with “your” toys) and loves when your granny comes to stay for a few days.

Love you both lots and lots and lots xoxoxoxo

Click on over and have a look at Joanne’s Letter to her Children, the next post in our blog circle.